It is absolute that the life of human cannot be separated from heat. The existence of heat is needed everywhere as one mean to make human survive. Even with nowadays advancement in technology, heat from so many sources is made to be the fuel to make so many equipment works well. This equipment is used as the partner in human life for them to do so many activities, ranging from the most basic, such as cooking meal, up to the most sophisticated, such as the space shutter.
Heat is not only important as the fuel to make the equipment works well, but also to keep the temperature of the environment, especially for the people living in the countries with four seasons, and more especially during the winter. They will need the heater so that they can stay in one room and protect themselves from the extreme low temperature outside. It will be impossible for them to keep alive if they do not have such technology as the mean of survival.
The heat is also important for the advancement in the kitchen equipment so that the work in the kitchen will be easier. For example, the microwave is the advancement that makes people need not to bake with such traditional baking machine, so that they will get the clean and fast baking for so many meals.
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